Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Maal Hijrah 1433

Selamat Menyambut AWAL MUHARAM .
1433 H

a new start :)
alhamdulillah . i still breathing and occupied with everything that i love around me :)
since, it is a new year, i want to emigrate myself to be a better person, better caliph of Allah .
SHY ?  of course i feel lil bit of that feeling but for the sake of Allah, i must do. a new me ;)

I celebrated Awal Muharam at ACC, Ipoh drowning with tiredness and hectic-ness but i know someone is more tired than me. That night, there were performances from Mu'adz & Diwani . Dr Zabidah kept reminding me to record their performances . At that time, i keep questioning myself . " are the really awesome?" . sorry for not updating myself with nasyeed but their performance did touched deep in my heart. I think i'm too far from my the only one Ar-Rahman. I keep questioned myself, for how long i've been running away from Him ? for how long ? Now, it is the time I go back to Him . that night was everything to me. A simple event and my heart move hugely . Alhamdulillah .

so, usually people will make a list what to improve in a new year and i also make a list of mine :)
- perform Solat early
-recite Al-quran everyday
-call my parents more often
-speak less about others and think more about myself
-try not to hurt anyone's feeling
-early revision ! MUST !
-less sleepyhead in lectures
-organized notes
-more and more and more hardworking & less and less and less lazy
-early research every ILA
what else ?

He gives me everything . Islam itself. Healthy and awesome family .Good and reliable friends. and someone that make me thinking of HIM everyday .

so people, lets move to a better phase of our life :)

Indeed, those who have believed and those who have emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah - those expect the mercy of Allah . And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. [Al-Baqarah 2:218 ]

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

MOM, thank you

Someday when my children are old enough to
understand the logic that motivates a parent,
I will tell them, as my Mean Mom told me:
‘I loved you enough to ask where you were going,
with whom, and what time you would be home.

I loved you enough to be silent and let you
discover that your new best friend was a creep.

I loved you enough to stand over you for
two hours while you cleaned your room,
a job that should have taken 15 minutes.

I loved you enough to let you see anger,
disappointment, and tears in my eyes.

Children must learn that their parents aren’t perfect..

I loved you enough to let you assume the
responsibility for your actions even when the
penalties were so harsh they almost broke my heart.

But most of all, I loved you enough to say
NO when I knew you would hate me for it.

Those were the most difficult battles of all.
I’m glad I won them, because in the end you won, too.
And someday when your children are old enough to
understand the logic that motivates parents, you will tell them.

Was your Mom mean?

I know mine was.
We had the meanest mother in the whole world!
While other kids ate candy for breakfast,
we had to have cereal, eggs, and toast.

When others had a Coca Cola and chips for lunch,
we had to eat home cooked meals.

And you can guess our mother fixed us a dinner that was
different from what other kids had, too.

Mother insisted on knowing where we were at all times.
You’d think we were convicts in a prison.

She had to know who our friends were
and what we were doing with them.
She insisted that if we said we
would be gone for an hour, we would be gone for an hour or less.

We were ashamed to admit it,
but she had the nerve to break
the Child Labor Laws by making us work.

We had to wash the dishes, make the beds,
learn to cook, vacuum the floor, do laundry,
empty the trash and all sorts of cruel
I think she would lie awake at night
thinking of more things for us to do.

She always insisted on us telling the truth,
the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
By the time we were teenagers,
she could read our minds
and had eyes in the back of her head.
Then, life was really tough!

Mother wouldn’t let our friends just hoot at the gate
when they drove up
They had to come up to the door
so she could meet them.

Because of our mother we missed out
on lots of things other kids experienced.

None of us have ever
been caught shoplifting, vandalizing other people’s
property or ever arrested for any crime.
It was all her fault.

Now that we have left home, we are all educated, honest adults.
We are doing our best to be mean parents just like Mom was.

I think that is what’s wrong with the world today.
It just doesn’t have enough mean moms!’ 


Monday, October 17, 2011

Bittaufiq Wannajjah !

For you, who’s running endlessly, 
Run till you can touch the sky with your hands. 
Run till your heart is filled with your dreams . 
Run - Epik High 

Good luck seniors with your exam . 

goodluck friends for our EOM ;)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wan Ahmad Afiq

HAHAHAH. see the name up there ?

well, he's not my boyfriend and i dont even have crush on him ;D
he's my bestfriend .

HAHAHHA. why him? because today he called me !
i was like WOAAAAAAAH ! :O

You know what, it's hard to talk to him . and i always be the one that called him and asked about him .
we dont talk about almost 1 year .
and today , while i was having my dinner at kedai mamak , he called me !


my homeroom-mate !

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Eid ul Fitr Compilation

Assalamualaikum WBT and hello there !

today is the 3rd day of Syawal . and many things happen . and i dont really in a good mood .
to be true , more to like giving up on something . or i already gave up ? ahhh . forget about that . so today , i want to post about Hari Raya wishes that i received .

thanks to FAMILY OUTING last night . the show cheered me up ! :D
So lets move on !

the first one !

Ok2 thanks nandos :) . selamat hari raya . maaf zahir batin
- Dr . abel -

Haha. Abel thanks me for giving her the caramel recipe . simple yet sweet .

next ,

Honda v-tec angkuh bergaya,
Mitsubishi mivec saingan utama,
bukan nak cerita tentang kereta,
Saja nak ucap selamat hari raya ^^
walau dosa sekecil kancil L2
ampun dan maaf diminta dari mu :)
ikhlas dari hati
- Dr. hanafi -

HAHA . terima kasih la manap :)

yang ni from my buddy . baik betul buddy aku sebab siap kasi kek chocolate lagi :) thanks kak zafira :)

Pejam celik pejam celik dah lama tak jumpa.
pejam celik dah nak raya
makin dipejam celik, makin banyak salah dan dosa
sementara masih celik, banyak banyaklah buat pahala
sebelum pejam tak celik celik harap maaf jika tersalah kata, tutur bicara, tingkah laku
Selamat hari raya Aidilfitri
Maaf Zahir Batin
-kak Zafira -

Kecik kecik dah pandai bergaye,
bile besar jadi buaye,
ecop da raye ai nie last poce,
kalu de dosa&silap kire burn lah yea .
Selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir & batin
-kidin -

Assalamualaikum . At this point, I'm putting my 10 fingers together begging forgiveness for any wrong and mistakes. Hope this Ramadhan has formed us as a true muslim .
Happy Eid Mubarak.
- Dr. Chem / Ariff Munshi -

Andai ku tahu Ya Allah kemaafan itu maha agung di sisi Mu,
akan ku jaga setiap kata yang diucap & tingkah laku yang boleh mengguris hati saudara seislam ku,
Ya Allah kau lembutkanlah hati hati saudaraku untuk menerima keampunan dosa dosa dari hamba mu ini .
Salam Eidul Fitri. Maaf Zahir Batin .
-muna amani fisal -

okay muna , saya rindu anda ><

Ya Allah , jangan kau keluarkan kami dari Ramadhan ini melaikan Kau ampunkan dosa kami dan Kau terima amalan kami . 'moga madrasah Ramadhan yang lalu menjadikan hambaNya yang lebih baik . moga pemergiannya terus dirindui. bersama mengisi kemenangan ini dengan penuh rasa kesyukuran. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri . maaf zahir dan batin . ~Ramadhan tetap di hati ~
-kak awatif-

Nabi Muhammad s.a.w bersabda : ini hari raya untuk kalian . hari kembali kepada fitrah. hiasilah hari raya kamu dengan takbir, tahmid dan tasbih, sebab hari itu Allah mengampuni dosa dosa mu :)
Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf zahir batin dipinta.
- Dr. Aslah -

Selamat Hari Raya. maaf zahir dan batin . moga raya ini membawa seribu satu makna buat anda sekeluarga . salam :)
- Dr . Irfan -

Selamat Hari Raya buddy2 ku . Maaf zahir batin . Semoga ukhuwah kte ini berpanjangan sampai bila bila . Have a blast eid with family ! ;)
- kak Syida -

Pergi jalan jdi pagi raya,
Singgah sebentar di kedai sakan,
salam lebaran dari saya seleluarga,
salah silap harap dimaafkan.
Salam Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin .
- Dr. Fatin Farhana -

عيد الفطرسلامات هاري رايا
Ingatan tulus ikhlas drpd : wan azran & keluarga.
Sambutlah Aidilfitri dengan penuh kesederhanaan agar bulan barakah ini membawa seribu keberkatan
- Cg Wan Azran -

cikgu wan punya sebenarnya panjang lagi yang tulisan jawi tu . sambungan dia rumikan je lah ye : maaf zahir dan batin . :D

Sebelum Ramadhan menjelang lagi , ku pohon maaf zahir dan batin,
maaf atas pertuturan yg tak terjaga, janji2 yg terabaikan,
hati yang kadang kala berprasangka, & sikapku yg pernah menyakitkan.
Maaflah segala khilafku ini :)
- Dr. Najah -

thanks to everybody .
well sebenarnya, i received a lot messages , i put those up there are the selected and i want to share it with everybody .

and i dont expect someone will send me the text . and i actually waiting for that. thankyou :)


Friday, June 24, 2011

RM3 : Pergum & Kerawat [ 1 ]

this post is more to travelogue. and more in malay . HAHAHA
so some aborigines vocabs.
amek - mother
apak - father
so, lets start.

June 14th, Tuesday

I supposed to take bus at 8am but it was late. the journey from penang to ipoh started around 10am. sorry for that.
Kak awatif fetched me at medan gopeng, ipoh. then, we headed to RCMP.
Actually, i'm little bit shy to go in because i already knew some of them.
okay. this sound ridiculous. LOL.
ah ! i forgot to bring my toothbrush. damn. so i went to UO mall while kak awatif had a project discussion.
I wandered in the mall about 2 hours . walked here and there. alone. LOL.
Then, while i'm eating, Kak Ain called me. so I'm hurried to RCMP. hahaha.
nothing much. She asked me to help with the questionnaires form. as a reward, i got lipton ice tea. weewee~ Bik was there too.
Around 5 pm , we had a convoy to simpang pulai . the feeling was so indescribable. you know. being around people that you didnt even recognize. i felt so timid. ;O; *speechless*
i'm a kind that dont talk much and it takes time for me to mingle and get along with others. my bad. paranoid maybe?

Arrived. the view. Lebih kurang macam rumah PPRT ? Ape ntah. yang program satu keluarga satu rumah tu. rumah semua takde elektrik. malam malam memang gelap gelita. Kami berhenti dekat area bawah. Kawasan perumahan tu atas bukit. ada la dalam 500 meter. Yang ni kampung Kerawat la. Kampung Pergum lagi jauh .
Then, they divided us into group and i was paired with a KESEDAR student-YAYA and get 2 aborigines families.A Muslim and A Christian families. from Kerawat.
Sebagai sesi perkenalan dengan keluarga baru, setiap keluarga akan dapat sekampit beras and biskut bagai. dan anak angkat yang kena sampaikan semua tu . macam hadiah la .
then, speech and speech and bla and bla, it ended almost midnight . then, we went to our family and ready for sleep ! HUH? okay.
of course it started with knowing-you-knowing-me session.
Talk about this and that . well, it is important to be acquainted with the new family.
well, we get along very well. then, SLEEP !
oh. that is how the first day ended.
It'd looks simple but we had task along with us to be done.
we need to collect five sample of feaces or stool and filled the questionnaires.

June 15th, Wednesday .

i woke up late. around 6.30am. LOL. okay.
i supposed not to do that.
when i want to do my subuh prayer, i asked to my amek, where is the kiblat ?
then, she asked me, " tak nak sikat rambut dulu ke? ni ada cermin ."
i was like HUH ? I asked again. ye lah kan. lambat subuh pulak kan.
She refused to answer. Yaya looked out and luckily we were very near with the tent which was set up for surau. From there, we knew our kiblat.
Then we went down for breakfast.
everyone started their first night story with new family.
one of my friend - dia tanya dekat amek n apak dia
"kiblat mana? "
apak tu jawab -
" sini bole, sini bole, sini pun bole" *tangan sambil tunjuk tiga arah berbeza*
although we got the muslim family, penghayatan hidup Islam diorang sangat kurang.
itulah sebenarnya tujuan kitorang ke sana.
sambil medical service sambil dakwah.
we tried our best to make Islam looks simple tapi tak melanggar syarak.
cara mudah untuk mereka memahami agama Islam itu mudah.
sambil sambil tu, aku pun belajar la jugak skit cara berdakwah ni.
sangat menarik. :)
Next program was praktikal sembelihan .
It was fun though. Last praktikal waktu form 5 dulu. dekat Balik Pulau. Waktu tu guna burung puyuh dan 5 ekor sempat sembelih.
This time, it was chicken ! DAN berjaya praktikal 2 ekor ! :) alhamdulillah
so, we took the chicken. dead chicken back home and cook .
the menu - ayam bakar ^^
in the evening, it was raining heavily. but i enjoyed it. being in cold for a while. how refreshing was that !
we had game session with aborigines-the kids . it was totally fun !
you know. watching them running here and there. just like in the movies.
i'm touched . deep in my heart . they view that you wont be able to see in town residency.
then, i went back and bathed. after solat isyak, i fell asleep.
my body was little bit hot and i had runny nose.
maybe because i was heavily soaked in rain water that evening. LOL
I woke up around nearly 9 . i went down the hill and seniors were doing the medical check up.
Kak ain called me and asked me to help her.
Another thing that fascinates me. i watched the whole process of medical check up.
I learned a lot that night.
How the correct way to take pulse.
why we need to ask this kind of questions to patients?
this symptoms lead to what disease?
and why this and that?
you have to master in everything.
one more thing was, they were aborigines and they have their own language.
so, we need to ask in the most simple way so that they can understand us.
it is very fascinating. the situation.
after everything is done, before i go to sleep, the situation wandering in my mind.
and i keep asked this question to myself,
"am i ready? am i fully mentally and physically prepared?
am i really want to become a doctor?"

the worst part - in the middle of night, i woke up and couldn't sleep.
VERY COLD ! it was very windy out there.
eventhough i slept in the house, the wind still can go in.
the most eerie part is, the zinc. rumah beratapkan zink.
bayangkan, tengah tengah tidur ni, tiba-tiba atap berbunyik. naik seram lah.
macam pontianak tengah marathon atas bumbung. CUAK tak yah cakap la kan.
dah la bunyi tak berhenti. tetiba dapat idea.
rasional nya bumbung berbunyi, kan kat luar tu angin kuat gileee -,-'' . ceh.
Cuba la nak sambung tido balik.
SEJUK yang teramat. gelap pulak tu. nak tarik la selimut.
eh? mana selimut ni. tadi dah selimut dah.
*sambil cuba raba dengan kaki*.
kenapa ada kat bawah sangat. . . . . . . . sapa pulak tarik selimut nihhh. sudaahhhh.
macam macam la.
At the end, i fell asleep .
what a scary creepy night.


i will continue this story. PART 2 .
too long meh.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'm Home

Assalamualaikum WBT and hello everybody :)

okay, the tittle is a bit late.
I already home since Friday.
and i have a very great day. oh. it's days.

I'm away because of a program and now i'm home

the program was so awesomeee !

the aborigines live inadequate almost everything but their bond are stronger than everything.

i learned a lot.
From them, from the seniors and i got new friends.

and 1 thing that attract me
during the medical check up - done by the seniors of MBBS
how they ask the community , the flow , their knowledge and determination.
read the description, detect and ask . that's how they work.
it fascinates me. I couldn't do more. Just sit there and learn.
and kak ain is awesomeee !
i will make a post about this program later.
too lazy to write. hehs

hooh .
2 weeks before med school start.
and i'm nowhere near ready.
med school is not something you can learn easily .
so nad, be well-prepared.

the last holiday for me :) have a nice one nad !

i want to relax for a few days. *which ends tomorrow*

i have medical check-up on tomorrow. * should i go to dentist too ? *
and i should start filling the form.

good luck !

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


i'm joining a program.

location : simpang pulai, somewhere in Perak, Malaysia
a program to serve the aborigines with medical and treatment facility.

so, I will be away for 4 days and 3 nights .
my bus is at 8am.
Now, it's 4.08 am.
Four hours to go and I don't feel sleepy at all.
I do . 

have a nice day everyone !

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Cake Story !

*ignore the 'DOMO' word. :|

surprise !
remember when i posted about having my birthday without cake that evening?
on the same night, my friends gave this to me ! XD
okayyyy ! H A P P Y !
thankyou.thankyou.thankyou.thankyou !
love you guys so much !
from who?

T H E M !

. a promise.

this is the first and the last i allowed them to take my picture. :)
i'm not photogenic enough .

buddies, THANK YOU !

ah. currently, i'm home.
and i bring alyaa and nisa with me. ;]
hope i dont miss out to watch music bank this evening.
craving for TONIGHT !
oh yeah !

so people, have a nice weekends !

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

my birthday story

i know it already late, but i still want to wish it to my self.
DEAR Mrs. GD, NAD, *;D*

okaayyy. !

this is my second time celebrating my birthday away from my family.
but i think the second one was more merrier. :)

start with the midnight study because the exaam !
well, the exam just finished this afternoon
and the last paper was the freakin' !@#$%^ ENGLISH !
okay. back to the story.

mira, salia and nisa wished me first !
because we're studying together that night.
MIRA and NISA even wished me with "over-age" word.
well guys, THANKYOU :)

i woke up that morning and i saw a present.
simple yet adorable :)
" - underage corp.-
nado, happy bufday. see you in RCMP.
auuu ~ thanks WADA !

and the next day, i tried my best to keep THE DAY calm. XD
but suddenly the high-pitched ABEL came to my class and asked a ques.
and she suddenly asked everyone to sing happy birthday song ! ~
HAHAHAHAH. thanks everyone.
ABEL and ALYAA sang a lovely song for me. :)

"ingatingat itu REMEMBER,
jangan lupa itu DONT FORGET,
kami sayang kamu WE LOVE YOU
hanya engkau ONLY YOU"

sweeeeettttt ~!

ah ! the best part !
IRFAN told me this !
" nad, janganlah sentap ! BIGBANG tak dapat nyanyi lagu birthday kat kau. kitorang je boleh nyanyi kat kau ! "

and i was like =.='''
"OKAY IRFAN ! thanks ! "
i totally love that. !

and i more thing that he said to me during english lesson.

" nad, kau kenapa tak suka amik gambar hah? BAJET BIGBANG boleh kenal kau la !? macam mana diorng nak kenal kau kalo kau takde gambar !?"
once again i was like =.='

thanks IRFAN. you really make my day !

ah. AIDIL too !~

well, thanks everybody.

another year. a birthday without cake :]
i'm fine with that.

i sent a message to both my parents before they wish me first.
" thankyou mom and dad for the 19years with wonderful. thanks for everything and sorry for not being a good daughter for the past 19 years. in the future, MAYBE . HAHAHAHA "

OH. how i miss my home so much.
weekend, please come faster.

and a day before my birthday was the SUPERSHOW 3 in MALAYSIA.
my sis went to the concert. :|
she called me when SUPER JUNIOR sang the no other song. !
kyaaaa !



you're 19 years old.
be good and nice.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

greatest love: MOMMY!

19TH January
it's your 50th BIRTHDAY~
you still look young.
*i must admit that. +.+ meet my mother and you know why i say like this.*
mom, thanks for everything.
every scold,
every word,
every touch,
every kiss,
every hug
you're the best.
i'm so damn miss you right now.
hostel life is killing me T.T
AH. and happy birthday to my little brother too!
you're 15 now!
and you will be taking one of the important exam this year.
deep in my heart, i'm so proud of you.
only me know you better than anyone else.
the risky life out there, you managed to challenge it.
i know you're not perfect like child that same age like you.
but know what you want. and what you deserve.
you know how special you are although others think you're not.
the most special and precious kid ALLAH give to our family is you.
i love both of you!